Important Notes

  • PhycoTech, Inc. reserves the right to refuse improperly collected or leaking samples.
  • Expediting services (If available) : 4 weeks = $80/sample; 72 hours = $159/sample 
  • Prices are per sample unless otherwise noted. One Sample = One Bottle


Download a pdf of our price list here

  • Price includes three (3) HPMA slides per sample. Species counts do not include acid cleaning.
  • Although many common, planktonic diatoms are easily speciated without acid cleaning, please specify if you want to include acid cleaning for diatom identifications to the species level ($166/sample)
  • Algal counts include report, raw data file, and optically clear permanent slides. Units available are cells/mL and natural units/mL
  • Analysis price includes report and raw data file only. Interpretations, extensive explanations, and modifications to the initial report are billed at $449/hour (minimum 1 hour)
Calculation Level With Biovolume Without Biovolume
Species Count $531 $386
Genus Count $354 $251
Division Count - $242
Relative Count to Species - $386
Relative Count to Genus - $251
  • Rapid assay is a qualitative species (when possible) assay weighted for biovolume
Calculation Level With HPMA Slides Without HPMA Slides
Rapid Assay $271 $190
Toxic/Bloom Scan; One Species $203 -
  • Prices include three (3) HPMA slides/sample. Counts to the species level include acid cleaning and Naphrax mounts.
  • Samples that require the removal of periphyton from substrate are subject to an additional charge of $52/sample
  • Counts include 400 NU to total algal threshold and 500 valve count
Calculation Level With Biovolume Without Biovolume
Species Count $962 $821
Genus Count $482 $387
Division Count - $291
Sediment Core Diatoms - $1160
Sediment Core Akinetes - $354
  • All semi-automated samples are processed using the Imaging Flow Cytobot (IFCB)
  • MUST CALL FOR AVAILABILITY! Turn-around times dependent on availability and number of samples received.
  • Samples are identified to the functional class and species group level, including HAB taxa
  • Natural unit (NU/mL) and cell (cells/mL) concentrations are provided, along with biovolume
  • Samples can be live or preserved with glutaraldehyde
  • Currently accepting freshwater samples only
  • Price includes summary report and raw data file
Analysis Type Price
HAB Only: 24-hour $172
HAB Only: 72-hour $152
Full Assemblage: 1-week $242
Full Assemblage: 1-month $210
Full Assemblage: Standard (16-20 weeks) $180
Emergency Concerns Please contact for availability
  • Each kit includes all required materials to properly collect and return an algal sample
  • Three (3) samples can be collected per kit (with the addition of two (2) additional bottles)
  • The HAB Kit is shipped to customer via standard group shipping and includes an overnight return shipping label. The express version of the kit includes overnight shipping to the customer
  • Samples are processed using the Imaging Flow Cytobot (IFCB)
  • Samples are identified to the functional class and species group level, including HAB taxa
  • Natural unit (NU/mL) and cell (cells/mL) concentrations are provided, along with biovolume
  • Price includes summary report and raw data file
Kit Type Base Price Additional Bottles
HAB Kit $320 $188
HAB Kit Express $470 $188
Full Assemblage Kit: 1-week $361 $229
  • Price based on one (1) slide per sample. If samples are Daphnid dominated, we suggest analyzing three (3) slides at an additional cost of $88/sample. Please specify 1 or 3 samples when requesting a quote. Unless specified, we base zooplankton counts and pricing on 1 slide
  • Zooplankton counts include report and raw data file and optically clear permanent slides (one per sample)
  • Counts reported as animals/L.
  • Please contact us before sending marine samples
  • For additional identification levels, please contact us
Calculation Level With Biomass Without Biomass
Species Count (Copepods require adult males) $375 $301
Genus Count (Copepods require adult males) $312 $258
Zebra Mussel Veligers (no permanent slides, SR counts only, 10 Chambers) $300 $279
Service Price
Dry Weight Per Sample $67
Dry Weight/Ash-Free Dry Weight Per Sample $102
Serice Price
Slide mount only - HPMA; three (3) slides per sample $193
Naphrax diatom mount - Three (3) slides per sample $251
Zooplankton mount - HPMA; one (1) slide per sample $175
Service Price
Digital Photography (per image) $48
Identifications, Data Analysis, and Visualizations (minimum one hour) $449/hr
Culturing (per taxon) $690
Chlorophyll a $155
Macroinvertebrate Family Count $204
Bacteria Total Counts (DAPI method) $245
Microcystin Toxin Stick Test - Recreational, 0-10 mg/L $84