We understand not all institutions and businesses can use a credit card online, so we are happy to provide alternative methods of payment on our products. Services such as consultation and analysis are handled separately.

Place your order on our secure website, adding all items into the shopping cart. Then Choose one of these payment methods Choose to Pay Now and pay via credit card. Email and shipping confirmations will follow order placement. Your order will be processed in 1-2 weeks or sooner. Or Choose Request an Invoice. If you request an invoice your options to pay for your order are:

  1. Receive an email invoice from us, you can pay via credit card through our secure Intuit servers. (This will automatically happen unless we receive an email or other instructions). Shipping confirmation will follow.
  2. Mail Check or money orders along with a copy of your order. (Checks and Money orders must be received and cleared before orders are processed for shipment) Emails will be sent to confirm payment receipt and shipping confirmation. PhycoTech, Inc 620 Broad Street, Ste 100 St. Joseph, MI 49085
  3. Wire Transfers.Send an email to Info@phycotech.com and request wire transfer details. We will send you all banking details. PhycoTech, Inc is happy to include any PO numbers or Reference numbers on invoices for your records, but we cannot ship orders on PO only.


All orders for products must be paid in full before shipping.

Please note, some international orders may require additional shipping charges for remote or isolated locations, as they have some variance.


Thank you for your order.

Your order number is: {{checkout.orderStatus.OrderID}}

We're sorry, there was a problem processing your order. Please check your info and try again.
Message: {{checkout.orderStatus.Notes}}
Image SKU Product Name Unit Cost Quantity Line Total
{{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.ProductSku}} {{cartItem.ProductName}} {{cartItem.UnitCost | currency : '$' : 2}}
Regular Cost: {{cartItem.RegularCost | currency : '$' : 2}}
{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}}
{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}} {{cartItem.UnitCost * cartItem.Quantity | currency : '$' : 2}}
  • {{itemVariant.VariantHasText ? (itemVariant.VariantName + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantText) : (itemVariant.VariantGroup + ': ' + itemVariant.VariantName)}} {{itemVariant.PriceCalculated ? '- ' + (itemVariant.PriceCalculated | currency : '$' : 2) : ''}}
  • Start: {{cartItem.CartBooking.BookingStart | date: [cartItem.CartBooking.ShowTime ? 'M/d/yyyy h:mm a' : 'M/d/yyyy'] }}
  • End: {{cartItem.CartBooking.BookingEnd | date: [cartItem.CartBooking.ShowTime ? 'M/d/yyyy h:mm a' : 'M/d/yyyy'] }}
  • Start: {{cartItem.CartEvent.EventStart | date: ['M/d/yyyy h:mm a'] }}
  • End: {{cartItem.CartEvent.EventEnd | date: ['M/d/yyyy h:mm a'] }}
  • {{cartItem.CartRecurring.RecurringOccurances == 9999 ? 'Ongoing' : (cartItem.CartRecurring.RecurringOccurances + ' Time(s)')}} Weely Recurring Charge to start at: Every 2 Weeks Recurring Charge to start at: Monthly Recurring Charge to start at: Every 2 Months Recurring Charge to start at: Quarterly (Every 3 Months) Recurring Charge to start at: Semi-Annually Recurring Charge to start at: Yearly Recurring Charge to start at: {{cartItem.CartRecurring.StartDate | date: ['M/d/yyyy']}}
Name Phone Email Address Comments
{{attendee.FirstName + ' ' + attendee.LastName}} {{attendee.Phone}} {{attendee.Email}}
{{attendee.Address1 + (attendee.Address2 ? ', ' + attendee.Address2 : '')}}
{{attendee.City}}, {{attendee.RegionText}} {{attendee.PostalCode}}
You have no items in your shopping cart.

Shipping Details
Please fill out Ship-To First Name...
Please fill out Ship-To Last Name...
Please fill out Ship-To Address...
Please fill out Ship-To City...
Please fill out Ship-To Postal Code...
Please select Ship-To Country...
Please select Ship-To Region...
Please fill out Ship-To Phone...
Please fill out Ship-To Phone Carrier...
Please fill out Ship-To Email...
Please enter a valid Ship-To Email...
Please select Ship-To Method...
Ship To:
{{checkout.shipping.FirstName}} {{checkout.shipping.LastName}}
Shipping Method: {{checkout.shipping.MethodType}}
Opt-In to receive our newsletter: Yes
{{checkout.shipping.Address1}}, {{checkout.shipping.Address2}}
{{checkout.shipping.City}}, {{(checkout.shippingRegions | filter: {EntryID : checkout.shipping.RegionID} : true)[0].Text}} {{checkout.shipping.PostalCode}}
{{(checkout.countries | filter: {EntryID : checkout.shipping.CountryID} : true)[0].Text}}
Phone: {{checkout.shipping.Phone}}
Email: {{checkout.shipping.Email}}
Billing Details
Please select Payment Method...
Please fill out Bill-To Name...
Please fill out Card Number...
Please enter a valid Card Number...
Please fill out Card CVV...
Please enter a valid Card CVV...
Please select Card Expiration Date...
Please fill out Bank Name...
Please fill out Account Number...
Please enter a valid Account Number...
Please fill out Routing Number...
Please enter a valid Routing Number...
Please fill out P.O. Number...
Please fill out Bill-To Address...
Please fill out Bill-To City...
Please fill out Bill-To Postal Code...
Please select Bill-To Country...
Please select Bill-To Region...
Bill To:
Account Name: {{checkout.billing.FullName}}
Payment Method: {{checkout.billing.PaymentMethod}} {{checkout.billing.MaskAcctNo}}
{{checkout.billing.Address1}}, {{checkout.billing.Address2}}
{{checkout.billing.City}}, {{(checkout.billingRegions | filter: {EntryID : checkout.billing.RegionID} : true)[0].Text}} {{checkout.shipping.PostalCode}}
{{(checkout.countries | filter: {EntryID : checkout.billing.CountryID} : true)[0].Text}}