Example Instructions & Calculations
To use the PhycoTech nannoplankton counting chamber, place a #1, 22 mm2 glass coverslip on the side and leave a small space to add sample as illustrated below. As the sample fills the chamber, it will draw the coverslip over the chamber. Then position the coverslip over the entire opening to seal in the sample. If air bubbles are present, repeat the filling process.
Each PhycoTech nannoplankton counting chamber has been individually calibrated and this chamber holds exactly 0.08* milliliters (mL). Retain underlined data for future use with this counting chamber. After counting all algae in the entire chamber, simply multiply by 12.5* to calculate the number of cells/mL
A less tedious counting method involves extrapolating from counts on several individual microscope fields. To do this, measure the diameter of the field at a given power with a stage micrometer. Then calculate the area of the field using the formula 3.14159() times the radius squared (radius = 1/2 of the diameter): area = x r2. Use millimeters for all length measurements. To convert this value into volume, multiply by the depth of the chamber, which is calibrated to 0.35* mm for this chamber. The formula for calculating volume is (area) x (depth). Keep in mind that 1000 mm3 is equal to 1 mL.
*These instructions are an example of what you'll receive with your chamber the example of numbers are similar to those for each individually calibrated chamber.